The Journal of Foodservice Management and Education Archives
Published jointly by Foodservice Systems Management Education Council and The National Association of College & University Food Services (www.nacufs.org).
2024 VOLUME 18
2024 Volume 18, Issue 1
Research Contributions
Experiences of Healthcare Foodservice Workers during the COVID-19
Oscar C. C. Lam
Linda Mann, MBA, RD
Phillip Joy, PhD, RD
Exploring College Students’ Plate Waste Behavior: An Application of the Theory of Reasoned Action and Emotion
Wenhao Zhang, PhD
Junehee Kwon, PhD
Effects of a Smiley Face and Social Norms on Students’ Recycling Behavior at College Cafeterias
Kiwon Lee, PhD
Seonjeong Ally Lee, PhD
2023 VOLUME 17
2023 Volume 17, Issue 1
Research Contributions
Factors that Encourage/Discourage and Best Practices for Student-operated Restaurants.
Nathan Stokes, PhD
Emily Vaterlaus Patten, PhD, RDN, CD
Kaylee Hickman, MS
Amanda Mathews, MS, RDN
Jenna Simmons
Samantha Snyder, RDN
Ann E. Embry, PhD, RDN
Effectiveness of a Traffic Light Label Intervention in a Midwest College Dining Hall.
Amy Martin, BS
Rachel L. Vollmer, PhD
Xi Y. Leung, PhD
Han Wen, PhD
Sangwook Kang, PhD, CHE
Rachel M. Harrington, EdD, LD, RD
Erin K. Eliassen, EdD, LD, RD, CLC
2022 VOLUME 16
2022 Volume 16, Issue 1
Research Contributions
Management and Foodservice KRDNS: How Are They Met in Dietetics Education?
Kaylee Hickman
Emily Vaterlaus Patten, PhD, RDN, CD
Nathan Stokes, PhD
Jessica Wonn, MS, RD
Joetta Khan, PhD, MPH, RD
Abigail Hill, MDN
Diana Cuy Castellanos, PhD, RD
Karyn Catrine, MS, RDN, LD
Erin Seiter, MS, RD, LD
College Students’ Food Choices in a University Dining Hall Using a Traffic Light Labeling System.
Christina Maffiola, RDN
David Olds, PhD
2021 VOLUME 15
2021 Volume 15, Issue 2
Research Contributions
The Impact of a Portion Plate on Plate Waste in a University Dining Hall.
Shelby M. Anderson, MS
David A. Olds, PhD
Kara L. Wolfe, PhD
Amanda Gheen
Pauline Williams, PhD, MPA, RDN, CD
Amelia Stocking, MBA, RDN, CD
Alex Govern, CDM, CFPP
Yee Ming Lee, PhD, RD, CHE
Yee Ling Lee, PhD
College Student Demand for Humanely Raised Livestock Product: Evidence from Vermont.
Katie Robinson, MS
David Conner, PhD
Daniel Baker, PhD
Audrey Tuck
Lily Abrams
Annie McAneny
Rachel Frankenfield
Charity Warner
2021 Volume 15, Issue 1
Research Contributions
Analysis of Sustainable Food Practices in Texas Acute Care Hospitals.
Paula Cook, MS, RDN, LD
Darla Daniel O’Dwyer, PhD, RDN, LD
Ray Darville, PhD
Mitzi Perritt, PhD, NCIDQ, RID
Sally Ann Swearingen, MFA, NCIDQ, RID
Basem A. Boutros, PhD
Paola Paez, PhD
Kevin R. Roberts, PhD
Predicting Food Safety Intention: An Extended Model of the Theory of Planned Behavior.
Paola Paez, PhD
Naiqing Lin, PhD
Food Allergy Communication in Restaurants: Perspectives of Customers with Food Allergies.
Han Wen, PhD
Yee Ming Lee, PhD
2020 VOLUME 14
2020 Volume 14, Issue 1
Research Contributions
Jeffrey Clark
Joel Reynolds, PhD
Philip G. Crandall, PhD
Sangwook Kang, PhD
Susan Arendt, PhD
Anirudh R. Naig, PhD
Lilly Jan, PhD,
Anirudh R. Naig, PhD
Darrin J. Griffin, PhD
Fei Qiao, PhD
Andrew J. Laningham
Joshua R. Pederson, PhD
2019 VOLUME 13
2019 Volume 13, Issue 1
Research Contributions
Ventilated and Unventilated Cooling Methods in Onsite Foodservice Operations.
David A. Olds, PhD
Food Safety Needs in Independently-Owned Chinese Restaurants: Food Safety Inspectors’ Perspective.
Lakshman Rajagopal, PhD
Joel Reynolds, PhD
Dawei Li
Exploring Restaurant Service Sabotage Behaviors in the U.S.
Chen-Wei “Willie” Tao, PhD, CHE
Junehee Kwon, PhD, RD
Educational Affordances of Google Glass as a New Instructional Platform for Foodservice Training.
Jeffrey Clark
Philip G. Crandall, PhD
2018 VOLUME 12
2018 Volume 12, Issue 1
Research Contributions
Dietetics Student-Operated Restaurant: The Customer Experience and Perspective.
Nathan Stokes, PhD
Emily Vaterlaus Patten, PhD, RDN, CD
Raquelle E. Weight
Whitney Linsenmeyer, PhD, RD, LD
Rabia Rahman, PhD, RD, LD
Garth W. Strohbehn, MD, MPhil
2017 VOLUME 11
2017 Volume 11, Issue 2
Research Contributions
Laurel G. Lambert, PhD, RDN, LD
Hyun-Woo Joung, PhD
Sarah Stroud, MS, RD, LD
Elaine Fontenot Molaison, PhD, RD
Joel Reynolds, PhD
Lakshman Rajagopal, PhD
Stephen Sapp, PhD
Characteristics and Practices Influencing the Implementation of Hospital Foodservice Software.
Ann E. Embry, PhD, RDN
Susan W. Arendt, PhD, RDN, FAND
Pedagogy Contributions
Marketing the New Eastern Michigan University Demonstration Kitchen through a Culinary Event.
Callie L. Gavorek, MS, RD
Alice Jo Rainville, PhD, RD, CHE, SNS, FAND
2017 Volume 11, Issue 1
Research Contributions
Andrew Lakanen, MS, RD
Zata Vickers, PhD
Marla Reicks, PhD, RD
Factors Influencing Selection and Nutrient Intakes of Non-Training Army Dining Facility Patrons,
MAJ Bethany A. Deschamps, PhD, RD, LD, CSCS
Junehee Kwon, PhD, RD
Alcohol Abuse among Hospitality Management Students.
Miranda Kitterlin-Lynch, PhD
Lisa Cain, PhD
Ethnic Food in the Journey of International College Students in the United States.
Khalid Mahmoud Eyoun, PhD
David Spencer Martin, PhD
2016 VOLUME 10
2016 Volume 10, Issue 2
Research Contributions
School Nutrition Professionals Perceptions of Key Performance Indicators.
Keith Rushing, PhD, RD
School Cooks’ Motivations to Engage in Protective Action against Food Tampering.
Carol J. Klitzke, PhD, RD, SNS
Ali Burtraw, BS, RD
Caitlyn Nienow, BS, RD
Christine Nichols, BS, RD
Kara Kerrigan, BS, RD, CLC
Marni Shumaker, BS, RD
Marla Mulcahy, BS, RD
Eliza Short, BS, RD
Kirsten Arm
Judy K. Anderson, PhD, RN
Kelly N. Abdelmassih, PhD, RD
Susan W. Arendt, PhD, RD
Catherine H. Strohbehn, PhD, RD
Lakshman Rajagopal, PhD
Kevin Sauer, PhD, RDN, LD
Angela Shaw, PhD
Kelly N. Abdelmassih, PhD, RD
Lakshman Rajagopal, PhD
Susan W. Arendt, PhD, RD
Use of Modified Problem Based Learning in an Undergraduate Quantity Food Production Course.
Joel Reynolds, MA
Lakshman Rajagopal, PhD
2016 Volume 10, Issue 1
Research Contributions
Assessing the Impacts of Local Hospital Food Procurement: Results from Vermont.
Florence Becot, MS
David Conner, PhD
Diane Imrie, MBA
Katie Ettman
Josephine Greer, MDiet
Miranda Mirosa, PhD
Heather Spence, PhD, RD
Restaurant Employee Attitude and Behavior towards Sustainability Practices.
Michelle R. Alcorn, MS
Catherine Curtis, PhD
2015 VOLUME 9
2015 Volume 9, Issue 1
Research Contributions
Nathan Stokes, PhD
Susan W. Arendt, PhD, RD
Catherine H. Strohbehn, PhD, RD
Foodservice Director and School Administrator’s Knowledge, Attitudes and Interest/Motivation Towards Family-Style Meals in School Foodservice Settings.
Jamie E. Coborn, MS
Teri L. Burgess-Champoux, PhD, RD, LD
Renee A. Rosen, PhD, RD
Len Marquart, PhD, RD
Charles Feldman, PhD
Douglas W. Murray, PhD
Stephanie Colavita, MS, RD
Samantha Lovino, RD
Terry DeJong, MS
2014 VOLUME 8
2014 Volume 8, Issue 1
Research Contributions
Food Safety Culture in Onsite Foodservices: Development and Validation of a Measurement Scale.
Ungku Fatimah Ungku Zainal Abidin, PhD
Susan W. Arendt, PhD, RD
Catherine Strohbehn, PhD, RD
Food Defense Management Practices in Private Country Clubs – A Case Analysis.
David A. Olds, PhD
Carol W. Shanklin, PhD, RD
Carol J. Klitzke, PhD, RDN, SNS
Catherine Strohbehn, PhD, RD
Susan W. Arendt, PhD, RD
2013 VOLUME 7
2013 Volume 7, Issue 2
Research Contributions
Suggestions for implementing trayfree dining in a selected dining unit.
Kelly J. Whitehair, PhD, RD, LD
Carol W. Shanklin, PhD, RD
Yee Ming Lee, PhD
Junehee Kwon, PhD, RD
Kevin Sauer, PhD, RD, LD
Renee A. Rosen, PhD, RD
Beth Arndt, PhD
Len Marquart, PhD, RD
2013 Volume 7, Issue 1
Research Contributions
Abigail Bauer Finney, MPH
Sandra B. Procter, PhD, RD
Effectiveness of food safety managerial training: Face-to-face or computer-based delivery.
Catherine H. Strohbehn, PhD, RD, CP-FS
Susan W. Arendt, PhD, RD, CHE
Ungku Fatimah Ungku Zainal Abidin, MS
Janell Meyer, MBA
The effect of hospital foodservice systems on patient consumption of oral nutritional therapy.
Marnie J. Ody, MS
Lucy M. Butcher, MS
Therese A. O’Sullivan, PhD
Applied Solutions Manuscripts
Sabrina Davis, BFA
Anuradha Prakash, PhD
2012 VOLUME 6
2012 Volume 6, Issue 2
Research Contributions
Analysis of Temperature of Patient Meals.
Miriam Troutner, MS, RD, LDN
Mary Gregoire, PhD, RD, FADA
Linda Lafferty, PhD, RD, FADA
Marcelle Stone, MEd, RD
Dietetics students’ cultural food knowledge and experiences with various cultures.
Laurel Lambert, PhD, RD, LD
Young Hoon Kim, PhD
Elaine Fontenot Molaison, PhD, RD
Diane K. Tidwell, PhD, RD, LD
Junehee Kwon, PhD, RD
Young Gin Choi, MS
Pei Liu, PhD
Yee Ming Lee, PhD
Alcohol use among university foodservice management students.
Miranda Kitterlin, PhD
John R. Tanner, PhD
Jerome F. Agrusa, PhD
Sockju Kwon, PhD, RD/LD
Carolyn M. Bednar, PhD, RD/LD, CFCS
Junehee Kwon, PhD, RD
Kathy A. Butler, MS, RD/LD
2012 Volume 6, Issue 1
Research Contributions
Educating future restaurant managers to motivate employees to follow food safety practices.
Kevin R. Roberts, PhD
Susan W. Arendt, PhD, RD
Catherine Strohbehn, PhD, RD
Jason D. Ellis, PhD
Paola Paez, PhD
Purchasing commercially prepared pureed foods: Nutrition managers’ perspectives.
Katrina Anciado, MAN, RD
Nila Ilhamto
Heather Keller, PhD
Lisa Duizer, PhD
Effects of observing employees for food safety compliance.
Valerie K. York, PhD
Laura A. Brannon, PhD
Kevin R. Roberts, PhD
Carol W. Shanklin, PhD, RD
Amber D. Howells, MS, RD
Elizabeth B. Barrett, PhD, RD
Applied Solutions Contributions
Should future dietetic graduates know how to cook?
Leann Schaeffer, MA, RD, LD, LNHA
Brian Miller
2011 VOLUME 5
2011 Volume 5, Issue 1
Research Contributions
Elizabeth A. Chmel, MS
Mary B. Gregoire, PhD, RD, FADA
Linda Lafferty, PhD, RD, FADA
Marcelle Stone, MEd, RD
Ying Zhou, MS
Betsy Barrett, PhD, RD
Lakshman Rajagopal, PhD
Catherine H. Strohbehn, PhD, RD, CP-FS
Foodservice & Management Pedagogy Contributions
Jim R. Haynes, PhD, RD, LD
Student attitudes toward podcasting for food safety education: An example-based approach.
Lakshman Rajagopal, PhD
Catherine H. Strohbehn, PhD, RD, CP-FS
2010 VOLUME 4
2012 Volume 4, Issue 1
Research Contributions
Siew‐Lan Ng, MS, RD, LD
Carolyn M. Bednar, PhD, RD, LD
Carol Longley, PhD, RD, LD
Who Will Direct Hospital Foodservice Departments in the Future?
Mary B. Gregoire, PhD, RD, FADA
Karen R. Greathouse, PhD, RD
What Sustainable Practices Exist in College and University Dining Services?
Chao‐Jung (Rita) Chen, PhD
Susan Arendt, PhD, RD
Mary Gregoire, PhD, RD
Susan W. Arendt , PhD, RD
Sockju Kwon, PhD, RD, LD
Carolyn M. Bednar, PhD, RD, LD, CFCS
Junehee Kwon, PhD, RD
Rose M. Bush, MS, MBA, RD
2008 VOLUME 3
2008 Volume 3, Issue 1
Research Contributions
Martin A. O’Neill Ph.D
Consumer Perception of Take-Out Food:Safe Handling Practices and Desired Package Attributes.
Margaret Binkley, Ph.D., CFSP, Assistant Professor, Ohio State University
Charles C. Broz, M.A., Graduate Instructor, Texas Tech University
Janice Boyce, Ph. D., Associate Professor, Texas Tech University
Hak-Seon Kim, M. S., Teaching Assistant, Texas Tech University
Competencies and Skills Required for Foodservice Directors in Assisted Living Facilities.
Kuei-I Lee, MS
Valentina M. Remig, PhD, RD, FADA
Carol W. Shanklin, PhD, RD
2006 VOLUME 2
2006 Volume 2, Issue 1
Research Contributions
Prevalence of Fully Online Courses in Dietetics Education Programs.
Denise M. Brown, PhD, RD, LD
Susan K. Davidson
Michael Zabriskie, Ph.D.
Ruth Blackburn, MPH, RD
University Students’ Perceptions of Brand Name Foodservices.
Seung Suk Lee, M.S.
Hyeon-Cheol Kim, Ph.D.
Jerrold K. Leong, Ph.D., FMP
Mary B.Gregoire, Ph.D, RD
Woo-Sik Choi, MS
Jeannie Sneed, PhD, RD, SFNS, CFSP
Job satisfaction of hotel-style room service employees.
Lisa Sheehan-Smith, EdD, RD, LDN
Swathi Ravichandran, MBA, PhD
Shirley Gilmore, PhD, RD
2005 VOLUME 1
2005 Volume 1, Issue 1
Research Contributions
Shu-Ying Lin, MS
Jeannie Sneed, PhD, RD, SFNS, CFSP
University Foodservice Employees’ Food Safety Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices, and Training.
Shu-Ying Lin, MS
Jeannie Sneed, PhD, RD, SFNS, CFSP*
Amelia Adora V. Estepa, M.S.
Carol Shanklin, PhD, RD
Ki-Joon Back, PhD
Status of Prerequisite and HACCP Programs Implementation: College and University Foodservice.
Lynn D. Riggins, MBA
Kevin R. Roberts, MS
Elizabeth Barrett, PhD
Applied Solutions. Local Foods: From Farm to College and University Foodservice.
Catherine H. Strohbehn, Ph.D., RD, CFSP
Mary B. Gregoire, Ph.D., RD